Launched in 2019, providing investment options in government approved real estate projects, ranging from €250,000 (norther and central region) and €450,000(coastal region). €200,000 government donation and additional fees.
Geographically, not in the Europe; striving to become part of the EU, however at least not until the year 2025. Being an EU citizen bring large number of benefits such as being able to work anywhere in the EU, however obtaining citizenship in Montenegro for those specific purposes is far from certain and not advised.
Costs start from €450K
No requirement to reside
Real Estate
Residency for all family members
Family application include spouses and children up to 18 years old. Applicant need to have a clean criminal record, hold a valid first passport and provide evidence of source of their funds. Average application process is between 4 and 6 months and no minimum stay requirements.
Visa-free access to 137 countries, however applicants need to acquire passport via citizenship by investment in Montenegro program.